Friday, July 17, 2009

Movies & Food!!!

Okay So we all like going to the movies and having Popcorn & Candy with the biggest Pop (soda for you U.S ers) In some places now you can get Pizza, Tacos, Subs and even KFC ! But there is some movies that give me the biggest cravings for certain foods.

E.T man I cant get through that movie with out a Box (or bag is it is now ) of "Reese's Pieces". There is just something about that little Green alien eating thous candy covered pieces of peanut butter that gets me running to the store!

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
there is noway in hell that I would attempt to sit through this Movie without a Caramilk Bar! maybe its the Gold raper it comes in!!!!

And this last one is weird In Quentin Tarantino's
Death Proof the seen when Kurt Russell's going to town on those Nachos! Yes it is gross but I can bet that with in a day of seeing it I will have gone to the bar and had a big plate of them!

Find You In Your Fears
~The MageWind

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