Wednesday, October 7, 2009

25 Days Left!

Skulhedface! Skulhedface? What do you mean you have never seen Skulhedface? Why its the best movie ever made by a band! Yes to day I will talk about the movie Skullhedface and the band that made it.. GWAR!

This is what the Wikki has to say about Skulhedface:

Skulhedface being the movie coinciding with This Toilet Earth, the story of both album and movie are nearly identical (though the album diverges from that story frequently). Skulhedface, formerly a beautiful queen of a peaceful, vegetarian planet, was transformed into a foul creature during a raid on her planet by Cardinal Syn, GWAR's eternal foe. She travels to Earth, where she is instructed to acquire sufficient amounts of Jizmoglobin, a blue bodily fluid that is responsible for the creativity, rebellion and decadence of all creatures.

GWAR, meanwhile, is hosting a telethon on their pirate television network, Slave Pit TV. The goal of the telethon: offer enough human sacrifices to awaken the World Maggot, which lies dormant in the Earth's core, and ride it off the planet. They are having an increasing amount of success, which draws the attention of GlomCo, an archetypical evil media conglomerate.

Boss Glom, the CEO, summons GWAR's manager, Sleazy P. Martini, in the hopes that he will sell GWAR out, reduce them to commodities, and ultimately kill the band to prevent any interference. Martini repeatedly refuses, until he is offered more money than he has ever seen in his life. At this point, GWAR breaks through the ceiling, and Boss Glom summons his armed guards. GWAR makes short work of the guards and the other board members, but Glom escapes to his private elevator.

On the way down to a secret laboratory, Boss Glom is revealed to be Skulhedface, and in her laboratory, her assistant, Flopsy, assists her to a large Jizmoglobin extraction device. Rocker Sebastian Bach is placed in the device, his Jizmoglobin removed, and emerges a business type with absolutely no personality. Skulhedface starts to drink the Jizmoglobin, when a transmission from Cardinal Syn comes in - he will "be arriving in the next movie" (which he does) to collect Jizmoglobin and subjugate the planet (which he attempts to do, but fails).

Meanwhile, the telethon is still going well, and GWAR feasts their imminent departure from the planet. Beefcake the Mighty, however, spots Flopsy, who has come to lure him into a trap. Flopsy removes his face, dons it himself, and tells GWAR of midgets in the basement (with which they could sate their sexual appetite one last time before leaving).

When they get to the basement, they find Beefcake, tied up and without a face. During a conversation with Skulhedface, Flopsy returns Beefcake's face, and in return, decides to stick his fist in Flopsy's mouth (which is vaginal in shape). Unfortunately, he is too rough, and Flopsy dies.

Skulhedface reveals her greatest weapon - the Flesh Column, composed of the foulest of human pieces. The combined efforts of GWAR are insufficient, and they are subjected to the device, which is overloaded with their combined Jizmoglobin. Skulhedface is reverted to her old self, and GWAR into infants. Now benevolent, she returns their Jizmoglobin, and things return to as they were. The entire band (minus Slymenstra Hymen) rapes her to death, and they promptly return to the World Maggot. As they reach the surface, they see the World Maggot flying away, while Sleazy P. Martini "consoles" them and concludes the broadcast day.

Now don't you feel dumb for not knowing abput that movie

AS for the Band GWAR, I fucking love them they have the best live show on earth so long as you don't mind getting covered in blood & have no problem seeing the pope get raped by a sword! Kiss my have started the whole band in costume thing but GWAR does it best!

No T.V Tonight...Fuck All! Go Rent a movie like I did (More on that tomorrow.) or watch all of Skulhedface on youtube below !

Find You In Your Fears.

The MageWind

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