Tuesday, October 6, 2009

26 Days Left!

You Know what movies are good? The Texas Chain Saw Massacre! any of them! all 3 originals, the remake and the prequel to the remake kick some ass! No really out of all the horror movies series out there I cant find a problem with any of them! especially the remakes!, They manage to update the original but Keep it true! In fact I would even go so far as to say there better!!!!! The Texas Chain Saw Massacre remake & Texas Chain Saw Massacre The Beginning are the only Horror movie where I care more about the victims then I do The Killers! I think that is because the movies them self are setup like revenge films but know one gets there revenge!The Wife & I watch them all the time she even has a singed copy of the original by LeatherFace him self Gunnar Hansen!

And if you like the sound of
Chain Saws! you will love the sound of 90's Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Southern Rock Group Jackyl! A band best known for having Chain Saw leads in there songs maybe not the scariest sounding band on my list but one with a chain saw nun the less!

Tonight on T.V (Canada, Ont, Rogers)
Alien: Resurrection Ch.82 @ 9:00 PM

Find You In Your Fears

~The MageWind

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